Tuesday, April 2, 2013

sea of opportunities

under the bright light of the sun,
looking up into the blue cloudy skies
sinking yourself into the cooling soft sand ,running your hands through it wondering
so many things about the outside world
About what else to see, who to be ,
the sea Itself brings so much opportunities
like a turtle hatching from its egg, wondering
who to be, wondering is this his opportunity to try and become someone.
One day you'll be like that little turtle
and swim yourself into the ocean blue
diving all around the cooling water to see where the sea leads you,
as it takes you to your destiny in life, to who you are to become In the future.
this is you.
this is your path, this is your sea
show the world what you got to offer.


  1. Beautiful poem Stephanie, I love the color of your wording, it makes the whole poem pop!, Cute pic of the baby turtle too..and, what's to say about your background other then, ROCKSTAR! ;;)

  2. Like the little turtle memories, with old age, the become as wast as the sea and yet we still remember the feeling of the temperature of the emotions; like the water.

  3. You have written an absolutely wonderful poem. There are several layers of imagery going on here. I enjoy the symbolism of the turtle and I was especially struck by the lines, "this is your path, this is your sea
    show the world what you got to offer." I think that it perfectly reflects the searching that we all do, and the questioning and the needing to find a place or purpose. Great writing Stephanie.//lm

    Oh, and I shared this one on our class facebook page. Check it out:

  4. The world is a big place. We are all born in to it, just like your little turtle. I feel the limitlessness of this writing. I feel the opportunity, the courage to move out in to the expanse and live up to your potential; your destiny; your dreams.
